Faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku SADARI pada mahasiswi fakultas non kesehatan di universitas palembang


  • DEMPI TRIYANTI STIK Bina Husada Palembang


BSE, non-medical student


Breast cancer is a malignant tumor type that until now is still the number one killer of woman worldwide. In palembang it self in 2020, cancer cases has increased to as many as 1.181 cases, there are 339 new cases, 830 old cases and 12 death cases. One of the prevention of breast cancer is breast-self eximination (BSE), which aim to find early cancer that are still curable, to reduce the morbidity and mortality of cancer.
This research aims to know factor that relate with the behavior of BSE in non-medical student at Palembang University. This type of research is a quantitative study using cross sectional design. Total sample are 91 female students. Data were collect by interview using questionnaires to respondents. Data is processing by chi-square test analysis.
The results of this research are the source of information about BSE mostly came from friend (46 students), factor relate with BSE behaviour are: knowledge about BSE (p=0,000), attitude about BSE (p=,000), friend support (p=0,000) and parents support (p=0,032). The conclusion of this research are: there is relate of knowledge, attitude, friend support and parents support with BSE behaviour in non-medical student at Palembang University
Expected in the future there is an activity which add insight and interest in non-medical student at Palembang University to perform BSE and research to students who have never heard BSE
Keywords : BSE, non-medical student


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